Weeks 5 & 6: Virtual Field Trip

February 15, 2022

We can’t wait to have you and your class go on a Virtual Field Trip with us. For those of you who signed up for the Virtual Field Trip, On February 17th you will have your Virtual Field Trip Kits delivered for you and your students. Below is the Field Trip that you will use. The video is about 25 minutes long but it may take longer depending on how much time your class needs for each of the Mystery Bags. If you need to break it up, you can skip to different chapters from where you left off.

Please See PD section below this Virtual Field Trip video for your PD.

PD for THis virtual field trip

Virtual Field Trip Kit Instructions

Thursday, February 17th we will be making deliveries to your site for your Virtual Field Trip. It will include 5 mystery bags for you to open at specific times during the virtual field trip so you and your students can participate as if you were there in person with us.

Mystery Bags #4 and #5 have perishable seedlings and lettuce. They will need your immediate care when they are delivered. Please read these instructions carefully.


  • Mystery Bag #4: Please take your Marigold seedlings out of the mystery bag as soon as possible. Seedlings will keep with the plastic container left open and near a window or some light with about a quarter-inch of water in the container. It should be good to use if you plan on transplanting within a week.

  • Mystery Bag #5: Keeping the lettuce in the fridge will help it stay fresh for a week or more.

We have attached the items outside each of the mystery bags for you to review and practice with so you feel comfortable demonstrating to your class. We hope these mystery bags help make the virtual field trip more interactive and bring it to life in your classroom.  


  • Scan the QR Code on each bag for the link to the activity instructions prior to doing the Virtual Field Trip With Your Students. Please remove the attached paper and items outside the bag after you review the PD so it can remain a surprise for your students when you open the bag during the Virtual Field Trip


  • You will be prompted to open a mystery bag at 5 different times during the virtual field trip. Open the bag with the appropriate number on it to do the activity with your class.

  • Keep track of any questions your students may have. You will also be prompted in the video.  

  • [Optional] We would love to see the videos or photos of the students using the activity kits and watching the virtual field trip.


  • Record any questions that your students may have, similar to the format we do in Farm to School Fridays.  Have them say their first name, grade, teacher, and school before their question.

  • Each student who answers a question will be put in a raffle

  • Email the video of the questions to us. When you email them remember to type all the students names in the video so we have the correct spelling of everyone for the raffle.

  • We will compile the questions from all the classrooms and send 1 video response back to everyone answering everyone’s questions.  If we have a similar or the same question asked by multiple students, we will pick one of the students to show asking the question when we reply with the answer.

  • We will do a raffle after we answer all of the students' questions.

Send your recorded questions to sherryl@growinghopeproject.org


Special Farm to School Fridays on Tuesday!


[F2S] Week 7 Updates -Follow up from Final Activities, Program Finalization, Field Trips & Returning Items